Thursday, November 11, 2010


Hallo, mein Freunds!

It's November if you haven't noticed! Awesome, right?

But that's not the point of this blog post. I'm here to talk about football. No, not Fußball, nor Soccer. I mean good old American Football!

I actually played on a football team. The T-Wolves. It was during my eight grade year, and I sucked. I couldn't figure out why for quite a while. It wasn't for the lack of effort, I assure you. I tried, I really did. But I just seemed to have absolutely no talent. It got to the point that by the end of the season I never wanted to look at a football again.

But over the Off-Season and this most recent season I did some real thinking. And I came to the conclusion that two things were stopping me from playing my best.

  • Confidence

  • Ferocity

Reason 1

Confidence. It's important in any case. Whether it be interviewing for a job or playing football. If you don't have confidence then you don't have a chance.

Well, I lost mine the very first practice I went two. It really started when I lined up to tackle someone. I thought I was a very successful tackler, I could take down people two grades up from me. So I charged him, ready to hit him hard. And when we made contact I did what I always did while tackling. I swung around his neck. Immediately the Coaches shouted me down, I felt like an idiot. Ever since then I didn't have and confidence.

Reason 2

Ferocity is also important. Maybe not as important as confidence but definitely important. For this one I blame my parents. They trained violence right out me. Now, Papa, (who I can see shaking his head in disbeleif) siblings don't count. I used to really be a hardcore sports player, but my parents would always get mad at me for doing such. So eventually it became second nature to just not make contact with people while playing sports. And that carried on the football. So thanks Mom and Dad.

And personally that's what I think was wrong with the last time I played. True, I had never played before, but all the same.

So now I'm going to try again, this time with a little experience under my belt and I'm ready to hit some people!

Any who... I hope you enjoyed this installment of "A Very Sage Blog"

Coming Soon To Theaters Near You!

Created by The Card

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