Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Lesson Learned

Hello, people of the internet world, how fair you?

Good? That's good. How am I? Well that's nice of you to ask... I would of told you even if you didn't ask, but it was still kind of you. I'm pretty good... Learned a very valuable lesson about five minutes ago. What was that lesson, you ask? And if you didn't, too freakin' bad. Oh sorry, didn't mean to be rude, let me rephrase that: Well, let me tell you anyway. Happy? Good, I'm not. ;)

Wait, wasn't I about to tell you about my lesson I learned earlier? Wow, you really know how to get me off task, so be quiet for a sec, 'kay?

Anyway, the lesson. So most of you know I'm writing a couple of books, right? One with my friend, the other by myself. Well right now I'm in the process of writing down notes for the characters in the book I'm writing alone.

Oh, one sec... Sorry about that, someone was at the door. It was very rude of them to interrupt me while I'm writing my blog, don't you think so?

Anyway, where was I... Oh, yeah, the character notes for the book I'm writing by myself. Well, that is my least favorite part of writing the book, the character notes. But unfortunately it's needed when writing. Anyway, so I had just finished writing down the notes for three other characters when I decided I should pay the Sandman a visit... That's were I made my fatal mistake. I did not Ctrl-S before I left the computer. I mean, I didn't see the reason, I was gonna continue to work on it tomorrow so why Ctrl-S it? Well, somehow my computer got unplugged and all that work went for a ride down the Great Pearly White One.

As you can imagine that was very frustrating. Now I have to do all that work all over again. But I did learn the lesson... Always Ctrl-S. I mean, come on, look at all the great people in history. Moses Ctrl-S the Jews from slavery. George Washington Ctrl-S all the Americans from a unfair government. And I couldn't Ctrl-S one stupid document! Oh well, it happened... I'll have to do it all again... But, as stated earlier in case you weren't listening, I've learned my lesson. For now on, I'll Ctrl-S!

Anyway, I have to go clean up a but of Dog feces from the front room carpet.



  1. Glad the lesson was learned…sorry it was at such a large expense.

    I learned the hard way as well a few years ago...

  2. That's why I hand write everything! the computer isn't always the best. but it definitely helps with publication......I can't wait to read more of your stuff lil bro!
