Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Football... No! Wait! Marching Band

So, how's the internet world doing this fine afternoon?

Sorry it has been so long, I have had trouble thinkin' of things to write about... Alright, that's a lie, I've just been very lazy lately.

Anywho; So, I've been debating back and forth on two things I should do during the summer, Football and Marching Band. It's been a well fought debate on both sides, so I just started asking around. I had 3 Football votes, 5 Marching Band and like 30 do what you want votes. Oh, ya and on Pokemon Club vote. So I decided to make a list of pros and cons for each one.

Football Pros

Well, it helps me get in shape, thats fer sure.

I'd get to hang around with Sean...

Football Cons

I'm not to good at it.

I don't know any of the people.

I could seriously hurt myself.

I wouldn't really get to play much.

Marching Band Pros

I'm much, much, much better at it.

I have a chance of getting a scholarship with the instrument.

I could make some new friends.

I always get to participate.

Marching Band Cons

It's very tiresome.

I don't know to many people.

Well... That does it! Marching Band it is! You guys were all a great help, thanks for helping me decide. Anyway, that was really the main point to this post so... Ummmmm...
